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Emperor of Lightning Emperor of Lightning

CardType 効果 Detail -
Rarity - Contain Unimplemented
Level レベル88 Limit -
Attribute 光属性光属性 Monster Type 雷族雷族
Attack 2600 Defence 2600
CardText This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card must be Tribute Summoned by Tributing 3 Thunder-Type monsters on your side of the field. If this card attacks your opponent's Life Points directly and makes them 0, the controller of this card wins the Match.
This card cannot be used in a Duel.

Emperor of Lightningの評価 & 入手先

Emperor of Lightningの紹介文は準備中です
Category -
Evaluation - /10
How to get
Related Card 準備中です
Combo Card 準備中です

Emperor of Lightningのコンボカード

Emperor of Lightningを使う際に役に立つコンボカードは以下のカードがおすすめです。こちらは現在準備中です。